

073020 Weekly Devotional

Prayer “Listening”

Written by Ina Masten

“Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go: He’s the one who will keep you on track.
-Proverbs 3:6 (The Message)

Only in listening to God does our relationship with Him grow and develop into a deeper prayer life that is more than a list of requests. The challenge for me has always been how to discern the voice of God. I used to think it meant you had to hear God’s audible voice somehow. And while God’s voice can be audible, I finally came to realize that for me it was more of a small voice spoken over my heart.

In my life there have been seasons when God seemed especially quiet, but I have learned over time that God speaks to us in many different ways and uses different avenues to get His point across…

  • through Scripture written down thousands of years ago that is still applicable today
  • through the Holy Spirit, speaking to us in quiet whispers and providing thoughts and assurances
  • through quiet nudges and gut feelings that tell me which way to move next
  • through prayer and meditation
  • through times when God puts a lot of people together on the same page
  • through the written word or in the lyrics of songs
  • through a word from a friend or even a stranger; God uses people to affirm decisions, plant seeds and give encouragement
  • through dreams, an amazing way that God speaks to us.

Never give in to the lie that God is silent, or that He has left you. I’ve learned through experience that God can be silent because He has already told me what to do. In the meantime, I continue begging for answers because I don’t want to listen to Him and take the leap. Sometimes silence is the best way He can ‘speak’ to us and help us grow.

We ask, Father, that we will be open to the different ways and different means You use for us to hear Your voice as we wait on You for wisdom, insight, and direction. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

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