

Weekly Devotional 091222

Running from Evil

By Marjorie Joramo

“Be ready to speak up and tell anyone who asks why you’re living the way you are and always with the utmost courtesy.” –1 Peter 3:15 (The Message)

“…we rejoice in our hope of sharing the glory of God.” –Romans 5:2c (RSV)

Recently I spent a couple of weeks interacting with a person I’ll call “Adam,” who defrauded us and stole some of God’s money (that we manage). He was very good at what he does; appealing to citizenship, compassion, fear, flattery, greed, helplessness, shame, stewardship, and vulnerability. We had long discussions about books, movies, investing, travel, and Christianity. Early on, it became clear that Adam was not a Christian. I saw this as an opportunity for me to witness to him, sowing little seeds that God and perhaps others will water and feed along the way over the coming years.

However, once I determined that this situation was indeed a fraud, I needed to evaluate it, determine what I might do next, and then apply what I decided to do.

This whole predicament drove me into the Bible. I felt the need to care for my soul, and I found myself in the Proverbs; especially chapter 3, which one of my Bibles calls “Wisdom Bestows Well-Being.” Here are some gems I found and am currently meditating on:

3:1b: “…keep My commands in your heart.” (RSV)

3:3c: “…write love and faithfulness on the tablet of your heart.” (RSV)

3:7: “…run from evil.” (MSG)

3:9a: “…honor the Lord with your wealth.” (RSV)

3:21: “…do not let wisdom and understanding out of your sight, preserve sound judgment and discretion.” (RSV)

3:25: “…have no fear of sudden disaster.” (RSV)

3:27: “Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due.” (RSV)

3:31: “…do not envy the violent or choose any of their ways.” (RSV)

Going forward, I need to find the proper balance between witnessing to others and guarding myself from deception by “running from evil” (Prov. 3:7).

Thank You, Lord for this experience. Please forgive me for not managing all of the assets You have put into our care as well as I should have. Help me to grow because of it and to be compassionate to others who have suffered through a similar situation. Amen.

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