

Weekly Devotional 013023

You’ve Got a Friend

by Chloe Corey

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.” –Deuteronomy 31:6

I chose this verse because it reminded me that God will never leave me and will always protect me. My life as a military child has been very fun but stressful. Moving every three years was hard. I was forced to make new friends and start a whole new life in all different parts of the world. After moving to Scripps Ranch, I started at Marshall Middle School not knowing anyone which made it rough on me. I turned to God, praying that things at school would get better. Eventually I did make friends, but like any other relationship, my friends and I would get into disagreements. When I would turn to God and ask Him for His love and understanding, God showed me that He is capable of anything. I began clicking a lot more with my friends and ended up with beautiful friendships that have lasted to this day.

However, these changes didn’t happen overnight. I prayed constantly that my school life and home life would get better. There were even times that I stopped praying because I was angry at God for giving me this lifestyle of having to find new friendships every few years. I blamed it on Him instead of realizing what I was negatively contributing in these relationships. When I realized this, I apologized to God and to my friends. I realized that I was scared, and that I should have gone to God when I was angry instead of getting angry at everyone else. In conclusion, I think Deut. 31:6 is a great reminder of how I should not be afraid to go to God about anything. I can be strong knowing He’s always going to be with me, no matter how far away I go.

Dear Lord, Help me remember what a difference it makes when I make time with You. Awaken me in body and spirit each day with a desire to meet with You and to hear You speak words of truth, love, and assurance over my heart. Thank you for being the same God everyday, and never giving up on me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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