I love Alpha! I love reconnecting with Jesus and the Holy Spirit! I love to see the miracles that occur during our weeks of fellowship! I love to see people connect and transformed all through experiences in their learning and faith! Wow, what a wonderful God we have!
Is this too much for you to see someone like me get so enthusiastic about this subject? Might you be thinking that here is another religious whack-job trying to make waves in my quiet pond of living? Well, let me tack a few of my Alpha signs on the wall and let you make an informed decision about them.
I have been to Alpha now five times as a student and Small Group Helper. I began with Alpha at a low point in my life. Things were just piling up on me with spouse, children, debt, and abuse issues. It was like the phrase we have all heard, “When there is nowhere else to go, there is GOD.” Then, BAM (to quote Emeril); things started happening.
Since I have joined Alpha, my hug-receipt level has gone way up. My friend circle in church has ballooned. I have felt the rush of wind of the Holy Spirit on a calm day enveloping and inspiring a woman I was praying for at an Alpha Day Away. I was in a session where a man from India, of a completely different religion, was so inspired by Jesus, that he took Bibles back to India to tell his friends about Jesus. I have seen people who would not pray out loud or take communion doing just those things after being in the fellowship of others during our sessions. I have seen friendships made and faith renewed and reinvigorated after reconnecting with the Holy Spirit, Jesus, and those in their class. I have heard people tell me that their faith has been renewed and their lives enriched through their experience. I have seen people make new friendships in our church that will last forever! People who didn’t even know each other before are embracing one another and enjoying their fellowship with God. As for me, I am a revived, loved, supported woman who now knows how a simple thing like getting involved in an Alpha small group can make a huge difference in your life.
OK…now what do you think? Who wouldn’t want that in their lives? Who could help but be inspired by it? Who wouldn’t want the encouragement and hope that being with Jesus and the Holy Spirit can give? Come with me to Alpha – I want to give you a hug!
Click The Alpha Course to learn more about Alpha at PLC!
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