

111521 Weekly Devotional

Even at Night

“I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me.” –Psalm 16:7

Have you ever gone to bed with a problem on your mind and awakened the following morning with a solution? In Psalm 19, it seems that King David has a lot on his mind. This psalm is called a “miktam of David” and although the term “remains unexplained” according to my NIV study notes, “it stands in the superscription of Davidic prayers occasioned by great danger.”

Whatever the nature of the danger David was facing, he knew to take it to the Lord in prayer. He begins the psalm with a plea: “Keep me safe, my God.” How many times have I prayed that prayer for my son who is in the military? Thousands! Perhaps you know someone as well who is on the front lines of battle. God’s protection is foremost on our minds, isn’t it?

And then David observes that there are two types of people “in the land.” The first are “noble people” in whom he delights (vs. 3). The second type “run after other gods.” We could make the same observation of our culture today, couldn’t we? It seems as if the divisions in our country are more pronounced than ever. How do we navigate the mine fields? David turned to the Lord for guidance: “I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken” (vs. 8). I love knowing that whether I’m awake or asleep the Lord “will not abandon me” but instead “makes known to me the path of life” (vs. 10-11). His counsel brings life and peace—sometimes even by way of songs in the night. As we enter this Thanksgiving season, may your ear be ever tuned to hear His voice and sing a new song of praise!

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