

051021 Weekly Devotional

Though the Earth Give Way

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” –Psalm 46:1

With all the clean-up that’s happening on our PLC campus, I’ve been inspired to start cleaning out and re-organizing my office. And for those of you who may not know me, that means books, books, and more books.

I love to read, especially with thoughts in my mind of how I can help the people of PLC. So, when Pastor Greg told me the theme for his new sermon series, I knew I had the perfect book on my shelf: Anxious for Nothing by Max Lucado.

“Anxiety is a meteor shower of what-ifs,” Lucado writes in his opening words. And most, if not all of us have been rained on by that question at least sometime during the past months, haven’t we? What if I get COVID? What if I lose my job? What if I die? The list goes on and on, especially just as our head hits the pillow.

How do we tame the beast that attacks our minds and hearts? Lucado recommends practicing the acronym C.A.L.M.:

  • Celebrate God’s Goodness
  • Ask God for Help
  • Leave Your Concerns with God
  • Meditate on Good Things

I love the way that practicing those simple phrases helps me redirect my thoughts away from my problems and onto the Great Problem-Solver!

None of us is exempt from trouble, or from those times when it seems as if the “earth” has given way and the “mountains” have fallen into the heart of the sea (Psalm 46). But for those of us who walk by faith, there is comfort and strength in knowing there is One who walks with us no matter where the path leads. He is our peace—even in the midst of our greatest fears. “The Lord Almighty is with us,” the psalmist declares and then writes the same words yet again.

Some thoughts are worth repeating, aren’t they? Even as our head hits the pillow.

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