

Jane’s Blog – Community Life Connections


We have a guy here at PLC named Walter who can only be described as a “go-getter!” Walter got an idea in his head several months ago that our church sanctuary could be a great place to gather on days other than Sunday. It’s a big space with some Christian symbols, but it’s not so perfect that popcorn isn’t welcome once in a while.

So Walter set out to get approval and win support for “Community Movie Night.” And wouldn’t you know it? The third Friday of each month got put on the church calendar for a time to watch movies together.  But Walter didn’t stop there. He began enlisting helpers and he began to think beyond movie night. What does our community – and our country – really need at this particular time? In the midst of some pretty horrific and scary events, how can we unite together for the common good with our neighbors?

Community life always involves more than one person, you know? Even if that person has a great idea, he has to have others who catch the vision and make it happen. It’s absolutely the strongest when we work together. The early church knew this because Jesus didn’t just ascend after the resurrection and leave them stranded. No, he sent the Holy Spirit to be their Counselor and Advocate.

It’s comforting to know we’re not alone, isn’t it? And never more important to us than when we have an emergency, especially one that involves our physical safety. That’s why Walter and his Movie Night Team have moved beyond a simple movie at the end of a busy week. That’s why – this Friday – we’re gathering to say “thank you” to those who are always on watch on our behalf – the police, fire department, and first responders of our neighborhoods. We’re not alone, my friends; we are not forgotten. Twenty-four/seven there are those who stand ready to help, protect and defend us. And don’t try to tell me that’s not a God thing!!!

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