

Jane’s Blog – The Gospel of Mark Chapter 1, Part 2

My mind is on repentance. I mean, if these words, “Repent and believe the good news,” are the first words spoken by Jesus in Mark’s Gospel, they carry weight, you know? I think of how easily I recite the prayer of confession each week in our worship service, trying my best to mean every word, but never able to remember what I’ve confessed even a few minutes later! Can I be truly repentant?

Take for instance the prayer we said this week. Together we admitted, “We build walls of isolation so high the sun is no longer visible.” Hmmm…What does that look like in reality? And how does that mesh with what Pastor Sean believes – that the barrier between us and God is much thinner than we think?

I don’t know about you but for me repentance – especially the kind that breaks down walls – tends to be more casual than I think it should be. I’m quick to hide behind promises like, “For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us” (Psalm 103:11-12). See what I mean? Who doesn’t like an assurance like that? It makes it easy to coast along!!

So, what role does repentance have in your life? Have you torn down any walls of isolation lately? Was the barrier thinner than you thought? I have found that turning away from sin takes some real effort!! But it gets easier once I’ve had a good dose of the Son’s rays and spent awhile in His warmth, especially as I fellowship with others in the body of Christ. And best of all…after experiencing all the benefits of Son-shine for a while, believing the good news just come naturally!

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