

Weekly Devotional 091624

The Challenge

by Jane Josephs

Answer me, Lord, answer me, so these people will know that You, Lord, are God, and that You are turning their hearts back again.” –1 Kings 18:37

I was sorting through some papers the other day and came across a devotion I wrote several years ago entitled “No Wavering.” The context was the story in 1 Kings 18 where Elijah arranges the confrontation on Mount Carmel between the Lord God and the gods of Baal. Elijah challenges the people of the Northern Kingdom of Israel to consider whom they will serve. “How long will you waver between two opinions?” he demands. Elijah’s caught them in a classic case of indecision. Will they follow God or Baal?

Elijah’s words reminded me of a time when Jesus was out walking along the road. A man said to Him, “I will follow you wherever you go.” It was a bold claim until Jesus challenged him with, “Foxes have holes and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay His head” (Luke 9:58). Then another man claimed, “I will follow You, Lord, but first let me go back and say goodbye to my family” (vs. 61). Do you remember Jesus’ answer? “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the Kingdom of God” (Luke 9:62).

There’s an old chorus that goes, “Though none go with me, still I will follow… No turning back, no turning back.” For the people of Elijah’s day, the decision to follow God didn’t come until the miraculous happened and fire rained down on the altar Elijah had set up. Suddenly the choice was easy. God had won.

We don’t know if the men walking with Jesus that day became followers or not. Jesus’ words aren’t meant to give us answers, but to challenge us to think deeply. What does it mean to follow Christ in the age in which we live? Are we willing to “trust the Lord without wavering,” as the psalmist (Ps. 26:1) asserts? I hope your answer is a resounding YES, for today and always!

Dear Lord, Lead us today in the path of righteousness, wholeheartedly following You in all we say and do. Guide us as we put our hand to the plow and serve in Your Kingdom, for Your honor and glory, Amen.

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