

Alpha Story: Chris Gaudi

What the Alpha Course did for me…

When I was invited to Alpha I was in a terrible and dark place. I was close to ending my life. I was distant to my family that is normally extremely close.  My marriage, finances, and my relationship with God was in ruins.

One morning I had coffee with Pastor Sean. I told him everything that was going on, he invited me to Alpha. Little did I know how much that would change my relationship with God and influence my life like never before. After attending the course, my wife and I are together and stronger than ever. I am honest and more connected to my family. Our finances are back in order and are on the right track. Alpha has brought my wife and I both closer to God than we could have possibly imagined. I have come to a place in my life where I know that God is real, he cares about me and I am deeply loved by him. I feel the Holy Spirt within every day. He gives me strength and that love and strength motivates me to be the best version of me as possible.

I have gone from almost ending my life one year ago to celebrating every day that I’m alive. I now see God has great plans for me.

Alpha is a course that if you put your heart and soul into believing in the Holy Trinity, it will show you the way in more ways than you could possibly imagine. It changed my life I’m sure it will do the same for you!

God Bless,



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